为什么称为”宇宙中心“!有人是这样理解的北京是光谷北,上海是光谷东,广州是光谷南,成都是光谷西,光谷是宇宙的中心。何为”中国光谷“!光谷(英文名称:Optics Valley of China)又称 武汉·武汉·中国光谷是武汉东湖新技术开发区的别称,又称武汉·中国光谷。是中国光电信息技术实力最强的地区,是中国更大的光纤光缆光电器件基地,更大的光通信技术研发基地,更大的激光产业基地。光谷广场总建筑面...
开云特秋季新品发布会——"大刚帽系列"前言从成立至今,开云特在照明行业以“简洁、舒适、柔和、节能”八字方针为指引。自主研发光学透镜、外型结构、PCB电路,灯光控制系统等。窄光束的设计,低至1°的窄配光令人惊叹!接下来让我们看看在2022年这个秋季开云特的大钢帽又给我们带来了怎样的惊喜!一起去看看吧!产品特点PRODUCT FEATURES &n...
Guangzhou Guangya Lighting ExhibitionAili special issue Guangzhou International Lighting Asia Exhibition 2022 was successfully concluded at the exhibition ...
The narrow light distribution from 1 yuan to Danny Chan is amazing:Accurate control of light is very difficult, which is closely related to manufacturing technology and materials. For a long time, Ger...
AILIET'S 12TH BIRTHDAY PARTY:The years in a hurry, live up to the time, we with a dream, to forge ahead! Since 2009, AILIET has turned 12! From the birth of Ailiet to today's anniversary, we c...